The Details
Our objective was to design a landscape that is very accessible for someone that loves working in the garden but, with back & knee problems.
Our client also loves all things nice, so we had to work with al lot of garden ornaments and small detail.
LBL decided to lift the levels of the garden to give it a three dimensional overview and also to incorporate a wooden deck that comes out from the living room onto the same level into the garden. With small steps and low to waist high levels, the construction work was constructed with a lot of precision so that the area would be easily accessible.
The idea with the building of the flower boxes was also to construct each one in a different shape and texture. Some were plastered, painted and some were just left as is. We also tried to incorporate all the different materials that we had to work with. Brick, cement, paving, wood, water and natural material, plants and grass.
With the construction completed, garden lights were installed for night mode, the garden beds were prepared with good soil and walkways were compacted for paving.
With all the prep work out of the way we could proceed with the planting of the areas. A couple of small water features were incorporated for the sound of water and to attract bird life into the garden. Each flower bed was designed in its own style. Japanese style with excellent quality bonsai trees, cultivated by the owner himself, Old English with a lot of color that also gives a country feel with a small tea garden set to have a cup of tea in the mornings.