The Details
Side Walk
Aim for the design – LBL had to design the sidewalk of a very upmarket home in Moreletapark keeping the water restrictions and the terrible drought in mind.
Our priority for the design was a good irrigation system. LBL installed a computerized irrigation system before the design commenced. A good quality computerized irrigation system uses a lot less water than with a hosepipe.
The area sloped down quite a bit and with the drought we had to level the area out for our irrigation water not to run down the road and go to waste. This meant that we removed cubes of soil the get the levels right.
With the levels in place we decided to stick to the existing Syagrus romansofiana for height. The corner we accentuated with dark brown dump rock and bright yellow Acorus gold. The existing flower box with slate cladding gave our design the 3D look that was needed. In the rest of the sidewalk design we used the element of repetition. Cobbles was laid at an incline with a 1.5m space in between that we filled with mondo grass. LBL completed the design with kikuyu grass that was planted in the bigger open areas.